Securing Your Move to Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure

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Hybrid cloud environments will dominate IT infrastructure in the coming years, providing the flexibility and scalability that modern businesses need to stay competitive. Yet, as they transition to these environments, businesses face security challenges that outdated methods cannot address.

The shift from on-premises to hybrid cloud requires a fundamental rethink of security strategies. Traditional perimeter-based defences no longer suffice in this new landscape. Instead, modern approaches like zero trust architecture and defence-in-depth have become essential. Embedding security into DevSecOps workflows is key to achieving robust protection without compromising agility.

In this 30-minute session, Red Hat experts will explore how organizations can empower their DevSecOps teams to meet these challenges head-on. With the right strategies, securing a hybrid cloud environment can be a catalyst for business growth and innovation.

Join us to learn:

  • How to address the unique challenges of hybrid cloud security in a rapidly evolving landscape
  • Why traditional perimeter-based security falls short and the need for modern approaches like zero trust
  • Expert insights on the benefits of implementing defence-in-depth, including micro-segmentation and continuous user validation
  • How Red Hat empowers DevSecOps teams and developers to secure hybrid cloud environments effectively


Photo of Chris Jenkins

Chris Jenkins

Principal Chief Architect, Red Hat

Photo of Mark Roberts

Mark Roberts

Principal Specialist Solution Architect, Red Hat

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