Infosecurity News

  1. Cuts Like a Knife: Sabre Breach Potentially Impacts 32K Hotel Properties

    The hospitality giant is investigating a compromise of its widely-used reservations software.

  2. Gannett Phishing Attack Affects 18K Employees

    A hacker was able to compromise the Office 365 credentials of some HR employees.

  3. Researchers Find 300+ Fake UK Banking Sites

    Cybersquatting domains often used for phishing, warns DomainTools

  4. Clinton: FBI Letter and “Russian WikiLeaks” Cost Me Election

    Former frontrunner in no doubt about impact of last minute “events”

  5. India’s Aadhaar ID Card Scheme: 135 Million Records Exposed and Counting

    Field day for fraudsters after government's epic privacy snafu

  6. UK Office Workers 'Too Trusting' of Email Attachments

    UK businesses expose themselves to hackers and zero-day attacks by failing to implement good email security practices

  7. Super Free Music Player Strikes Super Free Malware Note

    The malware is able to download additional payloads from remote websites and upload device information.

  8. US Homeland Security Warns on Critical Vertical Attacks

    A medium-priority incident could affect public health or safety, national security, economic security, foreign relations, civil liberties or public confidence.

  9. Apple Revokes Cert for Sophisticated Mac Trojan

    But a variant of the malware has been uncovered that behaves altogether differently with a more advanced payload.

  10. Fuze Fixes Recordings Privacy Bug

    A vulnerability in the Fuze communications platform did not have sufficient controls to ensure that the recordings were kept private

  11. ICO Fines E-Commerce Firm After SQLi Flaw

    Building supplies vendor slapped with £55,000 fine

  12. NSA Ends Upstream “About” Data Collection

    Agency claims failure to comply with FISC rules was “inadvertent”

  13. Intel Fixes Critical Nine-Year-Old Bug

    Vulnerability affects AMT, SBT and ISM firmware

  14. UK Plans to Scan All Attendees at the Champions League Final

    Police in Britain will use facial recognition to run real-time comparisons with the mugshots of 500,000 “persons of interest."

  15. IBM Ships Trojanized USBs to Storage Customers

    The malware is a trojan dropper that can be used to fetch an array of secondary malware, including ransomware and espionage worms.

  16. ShadowWali Malware Discovered, Attacking Japan Since 2015

    ShadowWali gathers information about the compromised machines and their networks, in addition to stealing sensitive information and credentials.

  17. Hackers Fly High with Air Force Bug Bounty

    The Pentagon has announced that the Air Force has become the second US military branch to invite hackers to do their worst.

  18. Network Security Creates a "Black Hole" of Overheads

    Eighty-two percent of mid-tier companies spend 20 to 60 hours per week to procure, implement and manage security products.

  19. "Orange is the New Black" Leaked, "New Girl", Others Could Follow

    Netflix's "Orange is the New Black" was leaked due to a security breach at the streaming giant’s post-production studio.

  20. Google and Facebook Confess to Being Corporate Scam Victims

    Google and Facebook Confess to Being $100 million Corporate Scam Victims.

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