How to Avoid Fallout from the Ransomware Epidemic

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Ransomware has become a top security risk for businesses of all shapes and sizes. It is evolving at a rapid pace and has driven a string of attacks over the past 12 months – the outcomes of which, nobody would have believed possible.

Ransomware attacks cause downtime, data loss, possible intellectual property theft and, in some industries, an attack is considered a data breach. With all this bad news, the good news is that you can still learn how to prevent ransomware before it affects your network.

Join this webinar to hear practical ransomware mitigation advice and gain key takeaways from a panel of ransomware experts.

Key takeaways:

  • The risks posed by modern ransomware attacks vectors
  • How ransomware is being tailored to be more destructive than ever
  • A step-by-step guide to defending your organization and stopping ransomware in its tracks


Photo of Andrew Barratt

Andrew Barratt

Vice President, Technology & Enterprise, Managing Director, International, Coalfire

Photo of Roger Grimes

Roger Grimes

Data-Driven Defense Evangelist, KnowBe4, KnowBe4

Photo of Michael Hill

Michael Hill

Former Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

Photo of Larry  Whiteside Jr

Larry Whiteside Jr

Co-Founder and President, Cyversity and Co-Founder & President, Confide Group

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