Building a Diverse, Skilled and Evolved Security Team

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In the fast-paced and data-driven modern landscape, a key element of a team’s success requires several layers of diversity – from thought to skill level, through to past experiences and future ambitions.

Effective security teams are those built with diverse groups of highly-skilled specialists and broadly-adept generalists. This can often include introducing engineers from outside the security team to contribute their first-hand project experience and customer-facing support team members who best understand current user challenges or feedback.

In this webinar, a panel of experts will discuss the importance of having a diverse and inclusive security team and outline how organisations can build modern security teams best-suited to their business needs.

Key takeaways:

  • The power of cultivating a diverse and evolved security team
  • Why internal hiring of staff outside the security function can benefit the organisation as a whole
  • Strategies for developing cross-functional teams, including the importance of apprenticeship schemes and ‘Security Champions’


Photo of Jessica  Barker

Jessica Barker

Cyber Security Consultant, Co-Founder, Co-CEO, Cygenta

Photo of Michael Hill

Michael Hill

Former Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

Photo of Amanda  Honea-Frias

Amanda Honea-Frias

Head of Security Engineering, Cisco - Duo Security

Photo of Kunjal Tanna

Kunjal Tanna

Cybersecurity Recruiter

Photo of Larry  Whiteside Jr

Larry Whiteside Jr

Co-Founder and President, Cyversity and Co-Founder & President, Confide Group

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