In an environment not managed solely by yourself and with the upcoming GDPR stipulating that you need to know where all of your customer information is, knowing how secure your data is when it is hosted in cloud environments has never been more important.
With attacks against cloud-based data deployments increasing in recent years, and shared responsibility models being used, questions on how secure the cloud really is need to be asked.
In this webinar we will explore the safety of cloud environments and assess their direct implications on the security of data.
Key takeaways:
- What does a ‘shared responsibility’ model really mean for you with regard to the security of your data?
- How will service issues affect your ability to protect your data from theft and corruption in a Cloud environment?
- How far can you go in protecting your intellectual property when it could be hosted in a different country to your operations?
- Most Cloud providers have implemented basic security policies to protect your data – are they enough in the real world?