Securing the #COVID19 Vaccine & Supply Chain

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As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to plague the world, vaccination efforts are now underway in many nations as they seek to jab their way out of lockdowns, economic turmoil and unprecedented healthcare challenges.

Upon that backdrop, and with reports of new, more contagious variants commonplace, the efficiency, safety and security of COVID-19 vaccines is critical to defeating the virus and seeking some form of normality.

However, cyber-threats lurk at every turn, with scammers, anti-vaxxers, cyber-criminals and state-sponsored actors seeking to unsettle, exploit and disrupt vaccination efforts in various ways for manipulative gain.

In this webinar, a panel of security experts will assess the cyber-risks that threaten COVID-19 vaccines and outline how to ensure the whole supply chain is adequately protected from these threats.

Key takeaways:

  • What cyber-threats surround COVID-19 vaccines, and how much damage can they cause?
  • Ensuring the security of key elements of vaccination success including information, supply chain and distribution management
  • The role of information security in ongoing and future vaccination efforts


Photo of James Coker

James Coker

Deputy Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

Photo of Professor Kevin  Curran

Professor Kevin Curran

Senior IEEE Member and Professor of Cybersecurity, Ulster University.

Photo of Lisa Forte

Lisa Forte

Partner, Red Goat Cyber Security

Photo of Michael Hill

Michael Hill

Former Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

Photo of Emilian Papadopoulos

Emilian Papadopoulos

President, Good Harbor Security Risk Management

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