Engendering effective Web security on a tight budget (or how to have your security cake and eat it)

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The Internet has changed beyond anything could have foreseen just five years ago. It is no longer a browsing medium: it is full of Web 2.0 applications, real time communications challenges and a whole range of threats that are designed to piggy back on this new usage.

As a result, Web security has changed immeasurably - it's no longer enough to block, stop or inhibit IP sessions. Web filtering cannot hope to meet the security challenge.

But whilst implementing an effective security framework in this brave new world is hard enough, IT managers are also being asked to boost productivity and cut costs at the same time,

This Webinar will explain how Internet usage has changed and how your perception of IT may not match what your users are actually doing, resulting in your security controls being by-passed.

We will show you how to regain control, reduce costs and still maintain an effective level of Internet security.

This webinar will teach you how to:

  • Help you balance the benefits and the challenges that Web 2.0 creates
  • Give you an insight into the the behaviour and risks of specific Internet applications that are now running on your network
  • Assist you in consolidating your Internet security, integrating URL filtering controls, malware protection and application control technology into a single box system.
  • Explain the security benefits of time-based productivity controls


Steve Gold

Infosecurity Magazine

Nick Sears

Vice President, EMEA, Facetime Communications

Photo of Peter Wood

Peter Wood

Partner and Lead Consultant, Naturally Cyber LLP

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