From Web Browsing to Social Networking: Securing Employee Internet Use in a Web 2.0 World

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The Internet has changed. It is no longer about e-mail and web browsing. Instead Internet traffic is dominated by Web 2.0 applications such as Video, Voice, IM (Instant Messaging), P2P, and social networking. These consumer-oriented applications are introduced by employees in the workplace to gain efficiencies, but they circumvent existing security infrastructure and are the new channel for malware, information leakage and compliance violations. Combine this with enterprise roll outs of UC platforms and the challenge remains: how do you mitigate business risks while allowing employees to collaborate using these applications? Join leading industry experts along with FaceTime for this interactive webinar and get informed. Learn why organizations like Gartner recommend looking at broader secure Web gateway solutions that integrate application control and anti-malware in addition to URL filtering... This Webinar will: * Help you learn how the Internet landscape has changed and why traditional security solutions fall short in the Web 2.0 world * Enable you to understand the techniques used by consumer-oriented applications to evade your existing infrastructure * Assist you in learning what Gartner identifies as the benefits of a Secure Web Gateway over traditional URL Filtering products * Allow you to identify security and compliance best practices for all Internet applications Enforcing Acceptable Use Policies into real-time policies on the network * You can also get all your web security questions answered in a live Q&A session with the speakers CISSPs and SSCPs can receive 1 CPE credit for attending this webinar. You can earn the credit by simply specifying your number on the registration form and correctly answering 3 multiple choice polling questions about the program at the end of the event.


Frank Cabri

Vice President of Marketing and Product Management

Ben Chai

Analyst, Incoming Thought

Steve Gold

Infosecurity Magazine

Simon Perry

Principal Associate Analyst, Quocirca

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