Password Security in 2022: An IT Managers Guide

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Weak or compromised passwords cause over 80% of hacking-related data breaches – a single password can leave you open to attack. The good news is that you can prevent this from happening.

As we’re still a long way from a truly passwordless world, it’s critical that the IT manager’s approach to password security in 2022 matches the threat landscape we find ourselves in. This latest webinar will ensure you are set on the right path.

Join us in our discussion to learn:

  • Types of password attacks carried out today
  • How to easily find password vulnerabilities in your organization
  • How to ensure weak and compromised passwords don’t leave your organization a victim of a data breach


Photo of Benjamin David

Benjamin David

Deputy Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

Photo of Kevin Hughes

Kevin Hughes

Senior Director, FTI Consulting

Photo of Darren  James

Darren James

Senior Product Manager, Specops Software – An Outpost24 Company

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