Say 'Yes' to Bring-Your-Own-Apps

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It was inevitable. As soon as bring-your-own-device (BYOD) became a mainstream practice, bring-your-own-apps (BYOA) was bound to follow. As each new tech-savvy generation enters the workplace, they bring with them expectations and demands for flexible working practices, including working location and choice of tools to get the job done.

Today, it’s estimated that the average organization has up to 1000 cloud apps in use. However, compare that figure to the 30-40 apps that CIOs are reporting, and the scale of the issue is clear. On one hand, the security risks this poses will send alarm bells ringing throughout the IT team. However, the opportunity that BYOA presents to transform the reputation of the organization and enable it to safely embrace new innovations, is too significant to ignore.

Read this whitepaper to learn how to manage BYOA securely and effectively, transforming it into something IT can get behind, rather than something they have to get over.

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