Preparing for the GDPR: DPOs, PIAs, and Data Mapping

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will have a global effect on organizations that collect or process EU citizens’ personal data. The approaching compliance deadline is becoming a top-of-mind corporate initiative, and knowing how other organizations are preparing for GDPR compliance can help you gauge where you stand. Finding a DPO, conducting Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs), and data mapping can take time – so starting now is key.

This 20-page Benchmarking Study, “Preparing for the GDPR: DPOs, PIAs, and Data Mapping,” will:

  • Look at the industry’s progress toward GDPR compliance, whether companies have a data protection officer, as well as data privacy management practices such as conducting PIAs and data inventory and mapping exercises
  • Help you benchmark your progress toward compliance
  • Provide a better understanding on how to manage your program going forward

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