State of Secure File Transfer in European Enterprises

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Enterprise IT systems are more fragmented and cybersecurity risks exponentially increased as a result of the global shift in working habits accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This has caused a swell in the demand of secure, easy to use collaborations solutions that can effectively mitigate the risk of data loss.

To better understand this demand (and the current platforms being deployed by businesses), Tresorit collaborated with leading market research provider Opinion Matters to interview 750 IT decision makers from 3 European countries (Germany, UK, France) working in companies with over 500 employees.

To summarize on both a high level and in detail, this survey SFQPSU is structured around key findings, deeper analysis of these findings and a summary of useful insights & tips designed to pair enterprise IT decision makers with the right solution for their specific challenges and business requirements. 

Read this whitepaper to discover: 

  • Key findings from the survey
  • Detailed analysis of the findings
  • Six tips for building an enterprise-ready data security strategy for external file sharing

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