Protecting your Organization Against Phishing Attacks

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There are increased instances of cyber-criminals developing new and sophisticated techniques for the sole purpose of duping users and extorting money or information, and many of these are common phishing techniques founded on impersonation, or fake sender identity.

Whether it is emails from “the World Health Organization” urging you to take action, or an email from “your CEO” asking for gift cards or donations, fraudsters prey on empathy, sympathy, and humans’ tendency to act and react.
In this webinar, we will look at how phishing attacks can be detected and prevented, and how to focus your defenses on a sender identity approach.
Key takeaways:

  • The nuances of “automated phishing” 
  • Why user awareness training isn’t enough to defend your organization and prevent losses
  • How authenticating “whom” is sending is the key to defining email security policies and protecting your organization
  • Defending against phishing and Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks


Photo of David Appelbaum

David Appelbaum

CMO, Valimail

Photo of Peter Cassidy

Peter Cassidy

Co-founder and secretary general of the APWG

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