How a Threat Response Unit Unmasks a Hacker

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A new hacker has been uncovered – Venom Spider – and in this session the Threat Response Unit will tell you how they unmasked the cybercrime gang.

During this session a threat response unit will share how they did it and what they uncovered when chasing down the malware supplier for two of Russia’s top cybercrime gangs. We will also be joined by a panel of cybersecurity experts to discuss how this fits into the broader threat landscape, what actions should be taken based on the TTPs highlighted and how these groups will continue to evolve.

Join this session to hear:

  • How a threat response team tackles a cybercrime gang
  • What TTPs they discovered
  • Why Malware-as-a-service should be on your radar
  • How cyber security professionals can respond


Photo of Joe Stewart

Joe Stewart

Principal Security Researcher, eSentire

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