Gaming Giant Capcom Suffers Security Breach

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Japanese gaming giant Capcom has disclosed a security breach which led to unauthorized access of some files and systems.

The Street Fighter and Resident Evil developer claimed that the incident was discovered in the early hours of November 2 local time, and impacted email and file servers, among other systems.

“The company has confirmed that this was due to unauthorized access carried out by a third party, and that it has halted some operations of its internal networks as of November 2. Capcom expressed its deepest regret for any inconvenience this may cause to its various stakeholders,” a brief statement noted.

“Further, it stated that at present there is no indication that any customer information was breached. This incident has not affected connections for playing the company’s games online or access to its various websites.”

Given the lack of information, it’s too early to say whether the raid was designed to steal sensitive information, deploy ransomware or both.

The fact that the firm cut its internal networks would seem to indicate an attempt to prevent the spread of ransomware, although that has yet to be confirmed.

“Presently, Capcom is consulting with the police as well as other related authorities while both carrying out an investigation and taking measures to restore its systems,” the statement concluded.

“The company will continue to offer relevant updates as the facts become clear, via its websites and other means.”

In line with this information, the firm is telling visitors to its website that it will be unable to reply to inquiries and/or fulfil requests for documents because of the “network issues” it suffered on Monday.

Gaming companies and their customers are popular targets for cyber-attack: between July 2018 and June 2020, they suffered 152 million web application attacks and 10 billion credential stuffing attempts, according to Akamai.

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