Infosecurity News

  1. South Carolina uni breached; 34,000 potentially affected

    “We want to help the University be recognized as a responsible, credible and trustworthy steward of the valuable information and computing assets our citizens, colleagues, students and partners entrust with us,” says USC’s Technology Services, before it got hacked.

  2. New patches for Adobe Flash Player

    Adobe has issued new patches for Flash on Windows, Mac, Linux and Android, for Air on Windows and Mac, and for the Air SDK. The updates address critical vulnerabilities, and Adobe recommends that all users should update to the latest versions.

  3. 90% leading paid mobile apps have been hacked

    Arxan’s new study shows that more than 90% of top paid mobile apps have been hacked. App developers need to take note of this, and defend their own market.

  4. DDoS and the collateral damage of hacktivism

    Hacktivism cuts both ways. The biter gets bit, and a war evolves. Where there is war, there are weapons. And where there are weapons, there is collateral damage. There is a hacktivist war around Julian Assange, between his detractors and his defenders – and there is collateral damage.

  5. ESET analysis links the Quervar virus to the Induc virus

    A detailed analysis of the Quervar.C virus, currently running amok in The Netherlands, shows similarities beyond the likelihood of coincidence with the pre-existing Induc.C virus.

  6. INF/Autorun malware is most prevalent malware in July

    ESET has published its statistics on malware in July. The figures are compiled from live data retrieved by ESET systems around the world, and provide an accurate reflection on what malware currently resides on people’s computers.

  7. Tesco to be investigated by the ICO

    Tesco’s online security practices have been much questioned and criticized by security commentators over recent weeks. Now it appears that the Information Commissioners office is listening and acting, with reports that it will investigate.

  8. Apple mania used to deliver Flash exploit

    Apple fans’ desire for information on the next iPhone is being used as the lure for a new round of email attacks. The emails carry an Adobe Flash exploit.

  9. r00tbeer strikes again - twice

    Following yesterday’s news of hacks against AMD and TBN, hacking group r00tbeer security has struck again, twice – this time against Dutch electronics giant Philips and the UK’s Student Room.

  10. Webroot to pull its email security service 12 months earlier than planned

    According to a recent report, Webroot has decided to close its web email service in November 2012 – twelve months earlier than it had originally intended. “The decision,” says the report, “has prompted concern amongst users and anger amongst resellers.”

  11. How secure is secure? And who says so?

    It’s ironic that a way for file sharers to avoid paying for their viewing with companies, such as Blockbuster, is to use a block buster – a VPN designed to help get around ISP blocks on sites such as The Pirate Bay. But are these products safe to use?

  12. Getting hacked is just routine maintenenance, says AMD

    “Due to routine maintenance, AMD's web ite is temporarily unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience. This area will be back online as soon as possible.” That’s the notice on AMD’s blog following a hack and data release by the hacking team known as r00tbeer security.

  13. Use iMessage rather than SMS, says Apple

    Apple was responding to French iOS hacker pod2g’s announcement that he “found a flaw in iOS that [he considers] to be severe”, and that he is “pretty confident that other security researchers already know about this hole, and I fear some pirates as well.”

  14. NCC Group buys Intrepidus for £7.1 million

    Manchester, UK based NCC Group has acquired US-based mobile security testing specialist Intrepidus for £7.1m. It is NCC’s ninth acquisition in the network testing and software security space and the third in North America.

  15. Judge rules that the Video Privacy Protection Act (VPPA) applies to online video

    Hulu, an online video content provider, had attempted to get a class action against its practice of passing users’ viewing habits to a marketing company dismissed. In June, a California judge tossed six of the seven claims, but deferred ruling on the seventh.

  16. Hasta la vista, baby: remote kill terminates data on lost or stolen USBs

    While remote wipe/kill is a technique often used to protect sensitive data on lost or stolen smartphones and tablets, it can also be used for USB devices, explained Scott Ashdown, director of products and solutions in Imation's Mobile Security Group.

  17. Most firms do not protect sensitive data in databases, survey finds

    A full 65% of businesses do not protect the sensitive data in their databases from unauthorized employees and consultants, according to a survey conducted by GreenSQL.

  18. Twitter updates API to require developer authentication

    Twitter is updating its application programming interface (API) to require application developers to use authentication, among other changes.

  19. Half a million credit card numbers stolen from Australian business

    An Eastern European syndicate, believed to be responsible for the 2011 hack of the Subway restaurant chain, has stolen a half million credit cards from an unidentified Australian company.

  20. Google announces Pwnium 2 hacking contest, doubles prize money

    Google has announced it is holding Pwnium 2 at the Hack in the Box conference in Malaysia in October, and doubling the prize money to $2 million.

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