Beyond Next Gen: Best Practices for Future Ready Security

When it comes to defending against the full range of known and unknown threats, there is no silver bullet, yet vendors are quick to claim their latest technology is the answer to all your security problems.

What’s more, a raft of myths exist about what next-gen security actually is, making it extremely tough to pick through the marketing FUD to find the solution that will deliver the best protection.

The fact is, there is no one solution that fits for all. While various techniques bring impressive new capabilities to the fight against threats, if implemented in silos they cannot combat the huge volume and variety of modern risks. Therefore, an integrated, multi-layered approach to threat defense covering endpoint, network, web, email and hybrid cloud is vital for maximum protection with minimum impact on performance.

In this webinar we will:

  • Debunk the myths surrounding next-gen endpoint security
  • Highlight the strengths and weakness of today’s advanced threat-protection techniques
  • Explore why a cross-generational and multi-layered approach to security is a must


Photo of Jay Abbott

Jay Abbott

Managing Director, Falanx Cyber Defence

Photo of Simon Edwards

Simon Edwards

Director, SE Labs

Photo of Michael Hill

Michael Hill

Former Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

Photo of James Walker

James Walker

Cyber Security Consultant

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