I Want My Nua Mek 2...Yes, Hackers Watch TV Too

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We’ve all been disappointed when a favorite show is canceled, be it Arrested Development, Freaks and Geeks or, more recently, 666 Park Avenue (err…or is that just me?). But Thailand’s National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) got more than it bargained for when it made the fateful decision to prematurely cancel the popular drama Nua Mek 2.

The show follows a Thai prime minister and a deputy who leverage political and magical machinations to get their way. Fearing that some of the content would violate state laws, Thailand’s Channel 3 moved to cancel the show after just a few episodes. That inspired a group of hackers going by the name of the Unlimited Hack Team, who then hijacked Channel 3′s website and posted the message, “Where’s my Nua Mek?” It goes to show that hackers watch TV too – it’s not all ransomware rings and spamming for those peeps.

It would seem an unlikely spur for hacktivism, which is usually reserved for human rights protests and the like. But there may be something more to it: Thailand’s The Nation reported that NBC is looking into the channel’s decision to pull the episodes. It also cited a poll that found 77% of respondents believe the government is involved.

Paging Anonymous?


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