Infosecurity Next-Gen Infosec

  1. How Emerging Blockchain Technology Will Revolutionize Cybersecurity

    Emerging blockchain technology is helping revolutionize cybersecurity. Further, blockchain technology start-ups will help secure data in private messaging, business and within popular user websites and applications.

    1. Photo of Anabel Cooper

      Anabel Cooper

      Writer & Cybersecurity Enthusiast

  2. Lax Online Security Can Destroy Your Brand Overnight

    Business graduate Rehan Ijaz explores the correlation between security breaches, reputation and share price

    1. Photo of Rehan Ijaz

      Rehan Ijaz

      Business Graduate and Entrepreneur

  3. Infosecurity Magazine Announces Launch of 'Next-Gen Infosec'

    Our brand new 'Next-Gen Infosec' spotlight section will publish the latest research from the next generation of information security professionals

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