Infosecurity Blogs
Ransomware Is On The Rise: Here’s How To Stay Protected
Ransomware is a mounting threat, but that doesn’t have to mean your organization is the next to be breached
Understanding DDoS Protection Options
It's vital to understand the topology, advantages and disadvantages of different DDoS protection options
Let’s Go Bold in Pursuit of Cyber Talent
From both recruitment and retention standpoints, there is much companies can do to calibrate their approaches for current realities
How Threat Hunting Evolved In 2021
Threat hunting has been pushing to new limits since 2021, but what are the major developments that have allowed it to thrive?
Emotet Is Back and Is Deadlier Than Ever! A Rundown of the Emotet Malware
Despite the dangers, businesses can protect their servers from being infected with proper precaution
HEAT: Are Companies Prepared for Modern Threats?
To deal with HEAT, security strategies today can no longer be founded in detection and remediation
Protecting Industrial Organizations From Ransomware
Industrial networks are far more connected than ever, which has significantly increased security stakes
The Digital Heatwave: Understanding Highly Adaptive Evasive Threats
To stop HEAT attacks and limit the devastating effects of ransomware, security teams need to update their defenses
How to Navigate the Complexity of SaaS Management
Why a comprehensive SaaS management solution is imperative for business success
The Rise of VR and the Transformation of the Cybersecurity Capability
Designing cybersecurity of the future requires a willingness to explore how technology trends manifest
Serverless Applications Pose Unique Challenges for Security Testing
To actualize the benefits of serverless applications, organizations need purpose-built application testing
Tales from the SOC: Inactive Account Exploitation
How did the SOC team react when a malicious threat actor gained credentials of an ex-employee?
Why Multi-Factor Authentication Isn't Enough To Secure Enterprises
Why the best security is knowledge and understanding coupled with layers of technical security
4 Actions to Improve DDoS Protection
Basic steps you can take to improve your protection – without requiring any professional help
What Do Secure Email Gateways and Olympic Judges Have in Common?
Why removing as much subjectivity as possible will lead to more confident outcomes and a clearer path to gold
Ransomware: A Constant Threat
How firms can eliminate much of the risk of falling victim to a ransomware attack
Three A's to Look For When Considering a SAST Tool
Three ways to lay a solid foundation to support an effective, accurate and holistic security program
The Exploitation of Cloud Services Continues in 2022
With cyber-criminals using increasingly sophisticated attack methods, organizations must evolve their security strategies
Securing the UK's Operators of Essential Services Against Cyber-Attacks
Why preparedness is one of the most important elements for an effective response
Greater IT Connection Means Greater Ransomware Risk on the Mainframe
Now is the time to recognize the risks the mainframe poses and take steps to avoid a potential disaster